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On Simplicity

Thursday, January 7, 2010
Last year, I decided to follow Ali Edwards' tradition to choose a word to help define the coming year. My word for 2009 was savor. It was a good choice. With Eloïse's arrival in April, my life became infinitely more hectic, and my one little word served as an occasional reminder not to sweat the small stuff. It was more of an idea word, it didn't require much action, except for a sincere attitude shift at times, helping me focus on what really matters, to live in the moment, to take it all in, specifically, the good stuff. Choosing that particular word provided my perspective with the occasional nudge in the right direction on the life I am living.

This year, I am trying it out the one little word challenge again. My choice of word was not something I really had to think hard about. It came to me easily and I think it's really because the evidence of what it should be was obvious and staring me in the face for quite some time. My word is simplify. Simplicity. Simple.

I see simplicity and simplifying as an action theme for me. Having two little children to take care of fills up my days to the brim. There are a countless number of things for me to do on any given day, and if I am at some point sitting on the couch, it is because I have chosen to ignore that endless to-do list rather than the fact that it does not exist. As a result of being so busy, I have come to the realization that having less in my home would mean less work for me. Having less things to manage, juggle, even dust, would allow me the time to do the things I really love, rather than dealing with all the less-than-pleasant aspect of an excess of stuff. We presently live in a really small space for four people, and every little bit of space counts. It does not help that I have a really hard time getting rid of things. It does not help that I have a craft stash. Or that I have a lot of maternity clothes. Or that kids grow out of their clothes before they have even worn them. And beyond the stuff, there is the time factor. Time wasters like the internet and Facebook. The telephone. Countless email mailing lists. All of it.

I know I already presented my resolutions here in my last couple of posts, and so I have briefly touched on the topic. I know reducing and weeding out the unecessary stuff will not be easy for me. It may always be a ongoing struggle for me. To simplify will require not only a shift in my attitude, but also in my behavior, and that is why I see it as an action word. It will require my to make choices. To say no. To ask myself important questions like how certain things add to or diminish our quality of life as a family.

I can say that I am more than up for the challenge. I hope to be able to push myself out of my comfort zone, and arrive at a point where living with less becomes my norm. I think I can do it. I really do. I believe that in recent years, I have slowly begun to realize the benefits of having more white space in my life. To see the simple beauty of it.