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Friday, March 21, 2008

Your initiation to solid foods came in the form of rice cereal on October 26th, 2007. Papa and I were so surprised when you instinctively opened your mouth for the spoon. Obviously, that first attempt to feed you solids was more to introduce you to eating something other than breastmilk or formula rather than nourish you, but it really went well.

Since then, getting you used to solids has taught us a lot of patience. You seem to enjoy cereals, veggies, especially broccoli, cauliflower and carrot mixture, and you absolutely love mangoes. The biggest challenge has been meat. You don't like it. Try what we may to conceal the smallest morsel of meat in a heap of fruit or veggies, and you have no trouble identifying it, and you manage to spit only the meat out while eating the rest. At the end of February, during your routine appointment at the pediatrician, I told him about your meat aversion. He basically told me to salt the meat slightly because, after all, unspiced meat doesn't taste very good. Things have improve, but not dramatically, it is not unusual for you to gag on meat. Only recently does it seem like we are making progress. I think it's only a question of being patient, and not rushing you.