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Look Who's Talking

Tuesday, December 11, 2007
This past weekend, Aurelia started saying "Dada". We're not entirely certain she is referring to Ben when she says it, but it's still pretty exciting. She started saying "Mama" on October 31st, and I've pretty much come to terms that "Mama" to her is synonymous with "boob milk" or "Feed me".

Last week, she also started shaking her head from side to side. To be honest, we found it a little strange, and were concerned that maybe there was something wrong with her eyes, or maybe something else. But since Sunday, we've started thinking that she is actually telling us "no". Today, she refused to eat, and when I put the spoon in front of her, she refused to open her mouth and shook her head.

These developments may not sound like much, but now I know, that, to first-time parents, these are all tiny miracles. It is truly a wonder to realize that this is the same little being that lived inside me those nine (ten) months, that came out an immobile ball. She is quickly becoming more of a little person everyday.

He's Making A List...

Friday, December 7, 2007

Ben and I brought Aurelia to see Santa at the St. Bruno mall yesterday evening. She hasn't decided what she thinks of him yet.

Being At Home

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Something this week has come over me, and I feel so grateful to be home with Aurelia. I really feel I am taking so much pleasure in the simpler things, and I feel refreshed and my energy renewed. Appreciating the simple things, taking a genuine interest in doing everyday tasks has truly changed my perspective on things. I hope I will be able to stay home.

On Her Own

Monday, December 3, 2007

So, it's done. Last night, Aurelia slept in her crib in her room overnight for the first time. It was a last-minute decision, really. I was changing her diaper before bed, and I suggested Ben set up the monitor. Soon enough, she was fast asleep in her crib, and I was weeping. I never thought I would be so sad, but it's just the end of an era, the beginning of another. The night went well, she woke up a couple of times at the beginning of the night, but that has more to do with still being a little under the weather. I think she really enjoyed being able to finally spread her little arms out.

There is a huge snowstorm today, which is also her first big snowfall. I believe Aurelia and I might do some baking.

Oh, and yesterday, got a message from Creating Keepsakes letting me know that my order has shipped. Looking forward to receiving my copies of Ali Edwards' Life Artist and A Designer's Eye For Scrapbooking, in addition to Stacy Julian's The Big Picture. I really can't wait to receive them.

Craft Day

Saturday, December 1, 2007
Today, I plan on at least getting my supplies for some of my holiday craft projects. Can't wait. Plus, someone appears to be feeling so much better.


Friday, November 30, 2007

Originally uploaded by bethjohnson

This is so weird...Since there were no styrofoam cones left at Walmart yesterday, I thought of using the balls they had, but wasn't sure how it would turn I know...awesome!

Not Feeling Well

Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Aurelia had a bad night last night, which means I did also. Her tummy was definitely bothering her, and evidence of that erupted this morning around 6:30. She had a slight fever, so I just gave her some Tempra, and she seems to be doing better already. I am certain she is going to nap most of the day, and I hope to join her. Poor thing, there were no beautiful smiles for me this morning. My heart was aching.

Pregnancy Album

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Just a few pics of my latest "in-progress" project. While I was pregnant, I had the intention that I wanted to create a pregnancy scrapbook, but with illness and getting ready for the baby's arrival, it never got done. Now, just past Aurelia's six-month birthday, I am working on this album, and getting much of it done! I am certain I have forgotten some stuff, but I am focusing on what I do remember, and calling it good enough. Trying to get the pictures and stories down first, and worry about the embellishing later.


Last night we went to the CLSC for Aurelia's 6-month vaccinations, in addition to the flu vaccine. My mother came along and held her. Ben and I both agree that we felt like traitors, inflicting pain upon her. In reality, she did not cry at all, and she barely even cringed. I think it was harder on us as parents. What I personally found difficult was the decision of whether or not to vaccinate against the flu. Was it really necessary? I suppose that along with parenthood comes many such decisions, where there are few clear answers and yet choices still need to be made.

I hardly slept all night, on the lookout for any symptoms or side effects from the vaccinations. Today, she is as cheerful as ever, and is babbling at the top of her lungs as I right this. So far, so good.

A Room of Her Own

Monday, November 26, 2007

I have been putting it off for weeks now. At first I said it was because the mattress in her crib had to be changed. Next, I said it was because we were going away, and it simply wasn't the right time. But, now I know the time has come- Aurelia has outgrown her bassinette where she sleeps in our room, and needs to sleep her nights in her own room in her crib. A couple of weeks ago, I took pics of her bassinette/strolller, the view I have had for the last six months from where I sleep. I guess the reason I don't want to do go through with this change is just because I know it is the end of an era. One day, Aurelia might have children of her own, she might ask me where she herself slept when she first came home from the hospital, and I will have to think back to this moment in time that is coming to an end.

NYC Scrapbook Project

In February 2007, Mel and I took a three-day trip to NYC. It was awesome. Of course, if I had tried to make traditional layouts for this trip, they probably would have not yet been completed. Luckily, I came across an article in "Simple Scrapbooks" by Stacy Julian, who showed an original and simple way of scrapbooking many pics really quickly. By using a 'two-up album", I was able to scrap all my pics in a simple, yet effective way!

Starting Off

Sunday, November 25, 2007
So, I have decided to start this blog as a means to journal what is going on in Aurelia's life, basically a way to keep track of everything in the everyday. The last six months since she was born have flown by, and I know there is so much I have forgotten already. Hopefully, this will be a great way for me to keep on top of things and to help me get things done when it comes to scrapbooking the thousands of pics I have already taken. I am still working on the pregnancy scrapbook I had planned to create while pregnant, and it is approaching completion. I am trying to focus more on the pics and the story - I know that is what will be most precious to Aurelia later on, not how I decorated a page. This is not always easy.

I have also started sorting my pics to begin documenting her life. This is so exciting to me.Imagine having documentation of your life, not random pics, without dates or names to go with them? I think this thought is one of the biggest motivators for me. I think it is one of the best gifts I can give her.

All this inspiration also means that I have to clean out my workspace in order for me to have a place to scrap when I do have a few minutes, rather than having to pull everything out, work on the living room floor, and then put it all away. This week has had me really contemplate what I need, what I can get rid of to make room for the stuff that inspires me.


Sunday, July 29, 2007