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You at Two

Friday, May 29, 2009
Goldfish crackers are your favourite snack.You have just become a big sister. When we go get you in your room in the morning, the first thing you do is hand us your empty bottle.You have finally begun giving kisses. You are now eating meat.You have started using the potty. If Mama gets herself a milkshake and gives you a sip, you never give it back. You still love to watch movies- recent favourites are “Garfield’s Fun Fest” and “Happy Feet”. You love bubble baths. Tantrums are a regular occurrence, head-banging included. Your favorite thing to do at the playground is swing, but you haven’t figured out how to lean back.Your favourite expressions are “Oh, wow!” and “What’s this?”. You love the sandbox Grand-Mere & Grand-Pere got you - when you arrive at their house, you beeline for the back door to the yard. You like putting on Papa's slippers. Mega-Bloks, In the Night Garden figurines and Dr. Seuss Flash cards are among your favourite toys to play with, but you are just as happy with some Tupperware, a feather duster,or a pair of IPOD headphones. You are loved more than you know. Love, Mama