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That Smile

Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Her first tooth came out on Christmas Day, 2007.

Over time, her smile has grown into what it is today…gap-toothed, imperfect, obviously belonging to a pacifier-lover, and so her.

And it is soon about to change.

Two days ago, that little smile got into a head-on collision with a wall. When it happened, she told me about it, pointing to her top tooth. I checked it and it still seemed solid. It was only that night when brushing her teeth I realized her two front bottom teeth were loose.

Ben & I were so upset, to say the least.

Aurelia at the dentist yesterday.

We went to the dentist the next morning, who confirmed that, in fact, three teeth are loose. Although one seems solid enough, the two bottom ones will likely fall out. After an X-ray to check for any fracture, the dentist reassured us that Aurelia's adult teeth were already on their way anyhow, so it’s very possible these two teeth weren’t very solid before the accident anyway.

But still.

It is yet another sign she is growing up, something I openly admit, I have a hard time accepting. I will so miss that baby-toothed smile. For now, I will enjoy it as long as it’s here.