When she first contacted me, she was hesitant, but she really wanted to capture this all-too-fleeting time, and so, she decided to trust me.
It had been many years since I had seen her in person. Social media, in its own way, had managed to keep us in remote contact. The moment I saw her, she was just as I remembered her, calm, sure, relaxed…and those eyes…those incredible eyes…all qualities I admired in her in our younger days. Now, however, there was the belly, the true reason of our meeting again.
As with all reunions, we caught up, reminisced. Both of our lives had changed so much in the last few years. She told me the details of how she met her husband, how fate had brought them together. We spoke of each of our day-to-day lives, too, but the most important part of our conversation was of what was to be. We spoke of strollers, and ultrasounds, nurseries, and life after baby’s arrival.

In our initial conversation about this photo shoot, I had confided in her that I had never had maternity shots taken, and that medical issues had gotten in the way of my plans. It is something I have always regretted. Even now, when I come across an occasional photo of my own round belly from years ago, I am awestruck that it is me. Part of my own story. I often imagine what kind of photos I envision of myself for that time, and I think that with this shoot, I tried to live vicariously through these images.As I have mentioned before, with every shoot, I learn something. The lesson here, however, was perhaps a more personal one. In all my work, I strive to capture what I would wish for images of my own story, my own family.
L, thank you from the bottom of my heart for having shared this precious time with me, for including me in part of
your story and for allowing me the opportunity to capture you in all your beauty. I look forward to hearing of B
3's safe arrival. xoxo