As 2009 draws to a close, I have started to think about some resolutions for the new year. To be honest, I can't remember the last time I even attempted to come up with some resolutions, but I am looking at this year's attempt as a sort of year-long project. Yesterday, I was over at my friend Melissa's for a few hours of scrapping (not to mention a powerful bloody caesar), and I came up with some goals I would like to achieve in 2010. Later last night, I put them down on paper, and I added a few others.
And so, here is my list of resolutions for 2010:
1. Simplify. Reduce. Get rid of things I do not find either beautiful or practical. Before letting any new items into our home, contemplate how that object will improve our lives, and whether it really is necessary. Learn to live with less.
2. Challenge myself in my role as a parent and "domestic engineer". Strive to step out of my comfort zone when necessary for the benefit of my children and to keep things challenging and interesting for myself.
3. Reach and maintain my goal weight.
4. Reduce/pay off debts and save money in order to reach the financial goals Ben and I have set for our family.
5. One hundred scrapbook layouts. Digital or traditional.
6. Incorporate exercise into my life.
7. Blog. use my bog as a creative outlet, a place to journal for scrapbooking, and a place to document my creative projects.
8. "Clean up" and organize desktop computer. This includes taking care of archiving photo files.
9. Get my driver's license.
10. Read four books.
11. Get a will and other "grown up" responsibilities taken care of.
*12. Wear more skirts. (This was added as an after-thought. Just for fun)
Some of the goals are simple ones, simple tasks that seem to regularly appear on my to-do lists, but never seem to get accomplished. Some have already been worked on in 2009 and the process will hopefully continue in 2009. Others will require some sort of transformation, a breaking of habits on my part, and those will likely be the hardest ones to accomplish, perhaps they may even be impossible to achieve or will always be on-going for me. I am anxious to see where this journey takes me.
And so, here is my list of resolutions for 2010:
1. Simplify. Reduce. Get rid of things I do not find either beautiful or practical. Before letting any new items into our home, contemplate how that object will improve our lives, and whether it really is necessary. Learn to live with less.
2. Challenge myself in my role as a parent and "domestic engineer". Strive to step out of my comfort zone when necessary for the benefit of my children and to keep things challenging and interesting for myself.
3. Reach and maintain my goal weight.
4. Reduce/pay off debts and save money in order to reach the financial goals Ben and I have set for our family.
5. One hundred scrapbook layouts. Digital or traditional.
6. Incorporate exercise into my life.
7. Blog. use my bog as a creative outlet, a place to journal for scrapbooking, and a place to document my creative projects.
8. "Clean up" and organize desktop computer. This includes taking care of archiving photo files.
9. Get my driver's license.
10. Read four books.
11. Get a will and other "grown up" responsibilities taken care of.
*12. Wear more skirts. (This was added as an after-thought. Just for fun)
Some of the goals are simple ones, simple tasks that seem to regularly appear on my to-do lists, but never seem to get accomplished. Some have already been worked on in 2009 and the process will hopefully continue in 2009. Others will require some sort of transformation, a breaking of habits on my part, and those will likely be the hardest ones to accomplish, perhaps they may even be impossible to achieve or will always be on-going for me. I am anxious to see where this journey takes me.
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